Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Old London Town

"Name 3 countries that start with A but don't end in A"

"Ok, ehhhh...Iran?"

Cut back 2 days and I'm giving Alan the last beating in Pro Evo he'll receive for a while. After inhaling a large and very full breakfast we find ourselves in the hands of Aer Lingus' finest for the first part of our journey across the hemisphere. Now, I don't know about you, but for me no trip of this nature would be complete without saying goodbye to a certain group of ex-Dubliners in old London town. A quick phone call upon arrival confirms that Karl and Tom are in the wrong train station. A good start. Rush Hour tube traffic shows us that a backpack do not make you the most appreciated of people. We left children, old women and one very small Chinese man reeling as we cut a swath through the depths of the city with our weighty pals on our backs.

The France match. That is all...

Hmm, drowning sorrows much? Sean gets the double house whiskeys in before we traipse across Camden to the much more cheeky borough of Angel. Botles of Morgan Spiced and cans of Red Stripe were the drinks of the night as Karl revealed his somewhat well meant racism. His imperious descriptions of red cabbage, 6 year old Jewish children and his confusion about rap kept us laughing until breakfast 5 hours later in the local grease factory. 4 still drunk Irish lads met for tea, toast and all the tasty trappings the poor staff could fit on their biggest plates before fulfilling a childhood dream of mine by checking out the wonderful dinosaurs in the NHM.

Thursday night provided more laughs as the night took a more smoke filled form in Sean's place. And that was the location for Tom's particularly idiotic "Iran" quote. Question Time with Alan Duffy revealed some incredible stupidity, a little brilliance at times and without doubt the funniest thing I've heard someone say in real life. Alan said it and you'll have to ask me when you see me to tell you what it was. No way I'm putting it on the Interwebs :)

The Tate took up Friday's time before we end up playing Black 5 in Stansted with Jen, who has been waiting as we negotiated the tube with our trusty load bearing bags again. Delay? Of sourse. Eventually, the clouds break to the sounds of Phoenix as Jen drifts off and Alan gets stuck into a book. I can't help but think that this trip is going to be fucking incredible.


  1. Hurray!! It's like being there apart from the obvious reality of me sitting in a class in UCD (after crossing a very angry picket line I might add!)

    Glad its going good!! x

  2. Big up the angel massive!
