Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween, the aftermath.

Crispy leaves on the ground, stupidly well-wrapped up children and a general feeling of wintery despair. You have to love those hungover Dublin Sundays. Already, the shops are hurriedly taking down the Halloween decorations in a bid to be be the first to have their festive Christmas branding adorn the street. If the Americans have managed to somehow get just one thing right, its that Thanksgiving manages to put preemptive Christmas excitement on hold until the absolute breaking point of cynical, snide commenting. That said, I have no inkling as to what Thanksgiving actually is. Oh well. I'll send you all a Christmas postcard from Bali...

Anyway, I'm just bitter because I'm stuck between being too warm and too cold. You know that uncomfortable "the 6th bottle of wine may have been a bad idea" feeling? I've managed to rectify this however, by wearing a big, comfy jumper aaand...shorts. Yeah. Its actually working. Don't be like me though, use this to warm you up on those beautiful, chilly evenings instead:

1 comment:

  1. Mons I love your blog! I was gonna do something like a blog for Mongolia
