Thursday, November 12, 2009

Post Graduation Mess

We started the day within the hallowed walls of the RDS Concert Hall. Speeches were made, awards were bestowed upon those most worthy and flashes blinked around the room. So far, so Enid Blyton. Then the gowns came off and the wine came out. Oh dear. The Rubicon promptly obliged us with a few glasses of wine followed by One Pico followed by Spy followed by the Sugar Club followed by a nice stroll home in the rain. To say the least, I feel shite today.

For the desperately hungover out there, here's a kick ass trailer for, well, Kick-Ass. If you haven't read it, please do, it's a wicked little graphic novel. Movie should be nice and 18sy too ie. full of violence and swearing. Sweet.

While we're on the subject of comic books and general geekdom, here's what happens when the Japanese get their hands on Marvel's finest. If you can find Spiderman online (and you can), it is the perfect way to laugh off those post graduation hangover blues. Enjoy!

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