Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Magdalene Laundries

Joe Duffy’s Liiveliiine on RTE Radio 1 today was an absolute powerhouse of emotion and national identity. I listened aghast as “Terry” spoke about her experiences inside the laundry room. Harrowing and eloquently put, she summed it up with “those involved, I forgive them…because they need healing too”. Healing is too good for the criminals involved in the atrocious treatment they inflicted on over 10,000 women between 1922 and 1996. Their Dickensian conditions and forced slavery were an affliction on this country nearly a century after the rest of the western world had declared such things unacceptable. The nuns, priests and officials involved evoked memories of medieval atrocity. This island is too good for them. A large proportion of the Maggies have left the country in self-inflicted shame, those responsible should have been exiled in their stead.

It was an honour to hear the courage and conviction in those women’s voices. Watching the women on Primetime tonight could bring a stone to tears. True Irish heroines.

The report, headed by the fundamentalist, sorry, fundamentally Christian Martin McAleese offers little in the way of allegation towards the nuns and priests who brutalised these women. They didn’t touch them? They didn’t need to. They had already done their psychological damage. The report, introduced to find out the state’s involvement did that and that alone. If some untoward tales about the Church had been confirmed along the way, they unfortunately fell by the wayside. You would wonder if this was at the ex-Senator’s behest. As we all know, Mrs. McAleese is studying theology in Rome after all. The apple-cart must not be overturned you see! The Roman Catholic Church has been relatively unscathed in the opening salvos. When is this country going to denounce its involvement with the organisation that has been at the very root of some of the most appalling moments in our history? A secular democracy? We couldn't be further. The Christian Brothers and multiple denominations of Sisters have scarred the youth of our country over and over in recent history and very little reparation has been made. Scandalous.

Enda Kenny has come under a barrage of criticism for failing to react with an immediate apology. To keep par for this government’s course, the S(h)inners as usual were first to react. Mary Lou McDonald clutched at a populist brownie point by demanding a State apology then and there, neglecting to realise that a 4 volume, 1000 page report may take some time to digest. Bit of decorum Deputy, please. Here’s your imaginary political scoreline: Sinn Fein – a million, everyone else – bored. That said, the Time Magazine covergirl is notoriously sloth- like in his reactions to this kind of thing. You can picture him in a film on Channel 4 at lunch time, up against the fastest draw in the Wild West, six shooter at his hip, the bell strikes high noon...aaaand he looks up from his boiled egg and soldiers announcing to nobody; “Ah shite. I’ve a duel with Billy the Kid.” It’s grand Enda, Eamon filled in and is currently picking up most of his internal organs.

I would, however, imagine they still have the political nous to apologise in two weeks once they teach most of the independents to read so that they can get on with the debate.

In other news, the Gardai are “searching for more traces of horsemeat in beef products” according to the commissioner. Soooo…a BBQ is it lads?

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