Monday, February 21, 2011


Michael O'Doherty "writes" for the Herald and despite being a publishing giant in Ireland, you probably know the smarmy fuck from occasional television appearances on appalling shows you happened to know someone on. Like that thing on TV3 when they were looking for a new presenter. This is a a man who's vaccuous idea of self-promotion was to pretend to fire someone on RTE's latest sitcom, Fade St. He then decided to lay into Upstart, the Arts Group that I am currently blogging for. Upstart is a brilliant project highlighting the need for discourse and debate within the Irish Arts in this time of political change. I hope you've had a chance to see the posters in town and if you haven't make sure you get in before the end of week! How anyone could possibly have issue with what the group is trying (and succeeding) to achieve is beyond me and this particularly vicious attack by O'Doherty has left me seething. A response was written as part of my writing for Upstart which I will link to. I obviously could not be as brutal as I can be here but O'Doherty, for someone who runs magazines (guess what, magazines are part of the Arts, dickface) cannot write. I really do mean he can barely put a sentence together. His ironic failure to win any support for this has caused even more discourse and has therefore completely ratified the idea behind the project. It is a pity he had to attack the team but it is nice to see the comments on my official Upstart response backing us and realising that this bafflingly stupid man is getting nowhere.

If Mongrel magazine still existed, I'm sure Michael O'Doherty would be one of the front-runners for their annual "Cunt of the Year" article.

Anyway, LINKS! My new article will be up by the end of the day!

My section - Politics and Art

Upstart Home Page

Meanwhile, I found this T-Shirt. Love it.

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